Finish contract date
Maid No
Type of maid
Personal Data 個人紀錄
Name 姓名 PANIZA
Date of Birth 出生日期 1983 Age 年齡 42
Place of Birth 出生地點 Sex 性別 F
Chinese Horoscope 生肖 Education 學歷 Senior High School
Religion 宗教 Catholic Weight 體重 50 kg
Marital Status 婚姻狀況 Single Parent Height 高度 149 cm
Address 地址
Family Background 家庭背景
Father's Name 父親姓名 PASCUAL SAYSON PANIZA Occupation 父親職業
Mother's Name 母親姓名 PRIMA PAMONAG Occupation 母親職業
Name of Spouse 配偶姓名 Occupation 配偶職業
No. of Sister 姊妹數目 0 No. of Children 子女數目 2
No. of Brother 兄弟數目 0 Ages of Children 子女年齡 15Y, 6Y
In the Family, I am No 在家排行 0
Experienced in Following Countries 海外經驗
Hong Kong 香港 2Y Malaysia 馬來西亞 Indonesia 印尼
Singapore 新加坡 2Y Middle East 中東 3Y Philippines 菲律賓
Taiwan 台灣 Other 其他
Interview Appraisal 面試評價




Babies Caring
Children Caring
Care of Elder/Disabled
Household Works
Care of Pets
Spoken English
Spoken Cantonese
Spoken Mandarin

Maid No 傭工編號:
Domestic Employment Records 工作紀錄 (Form recent year on work 由最近期開始)
1. Country 國家 Nationality of Employer 僱主國籍 From DD/MM/YYYY 由 To DD/MM/YYYY 至
QATAR  QATARI  2014-05  2017-05 
Care of new-born babies 照料初生嬰兒 Ages 歲數
Care of young children 照顧小孩 Ages 歲數 10Y,8Y,7Y,4Y
Care of adults 照顧成人 Ages 歲數 30Y 35Y
Care of elderly 照顧老人 Ages 歲數
Care of disabled 照顧傷殘 Ages 歲數
Care of pets 照顧寵物
House Cleaning 清潔房屋 Doing the laundries 洗衫 Ironing 熨衫
Cooking 烹飪 Chinese Food 中國菜 Western Food 西餐
Car Washing 洗車 Marketing 買餸 Other 其他:
2. Country 國家 Nationality of Employer 僱主國籍 From DD/MM/YYYY 由 To DD/MM/YYYY 至
SINGAPORE  SINGAPOREAN  2018-03  2020-03 
Care of new-born babies 照料初生嬰兒 Ages 歲數
Care of young children 照顧小孩 Ages 歲數
Care of adults 照顧成人 Ages 歲數 23Y 21Y
Care of elderly 照顧老人 Ages 歲數 55Y 53Y
Care of disabled 照顧傷殘 Ages 歲數
Care of pets 照顧寵物
House Cleaning 清潔房屋 Doing the laundries 洗衫 Ironing 熨衫
Cooking 烹飪 Chinese Food 中國菜 Western Food 西餐
Car Washing 洗車 Marketing 買餸 Other 其他:
3. Country 國家 Nationality of Employer 僱主國籍 From DD/MM/YYYY 由 To DD/MM/YYYY 至
MA ON SHAN  CHINESE  2021-01  2023-01 
Care of new-born babies 照料初生嬰兒 Ages 歲數
Care of young children 照顧小孩 Ages 歲數 6Y 3Y
Care of adults 照顧成人 Ages 歲數 33Y 30Y
Care of elderly 照顧老人 Ages 歲數
Care of disabled 照顧傷殘 Ages 歲數
Care of pets 照顧寵物
House Cleaning 清潔房屋 Doing the laundries 洗衫 Ironing 熨衫
Cooking 烹飪 Chinese Food 中國菜 Western Food 西餐
Car Washing 洗車 Marketing 買餸 Other 其他:
Duties I Can Do Best 我最擅長之工作
Care of new-born babies 照料初生嬰兒 Cleaning 清潔 Washing 洗衫
Care of young children 照顧小孩 Cooking 煮食 Ironing 熨衫
Care of elderly person 照顧老人 Care of Pets 照顧寵物
Care of Disabled 照顧傷殘人士 Gardening 打理花園
Tutoring Children English or simple homework 教授小孩
Supplementary Questions 附加問題 Yes 是 No 否
1. Do you smoke?
2. Do you drink alcohol?
3. Can you drive?
4. If your holiday not on Sunday do you agree?
5. Do you have an infection skin disease?
6. Are you willing to take care of children no matter how many the family has?
7. Do you have all complete and normal body?
8. Would you agree to do extra work?
9. Living with elderly person?
10. Are you willing to work for a family without your own room?
11. If your employer asked you to work on your holidays and is willing to pay compensation, are you willing to do so?
12. Do you eat pork?
13. Can you handle pork?
14. Are you afraid of dogs?
15. Are you willing to take care of dogs?
16. Are you willing to work with other helper?
17. Are you willing to take care of disabled elderly, help them to take a bath, change diaper, help them to go to toilet, and accompany to hospital? Grandpa
你是否願意照顧傷殘老人,幫助他們洗澡,換尿片,大小便及到醫院? 公公
18. Are you willing to take care of disabled elderly, help them to take a bath, change diaper, help them to go to toilet, and accompany to hospital? Grandma
你是否願意照顧傷殘老人,幫助他們洗澡,換尿片,大小便及到醫院? 婆婆

Declaration by Applicant

I agree and will be responsible for any publication of above information. I hereby confirm that all information and answer give to me is to the best of my knowledge.
“The applicant gives all information with No responsibility holding by Maidsmore Employment Agency Limited.”
“以上資料由申請者提供, 任何法律責任與本公司無關。”
Signature of Applicant: Date: